About SOCH ...beyond the imagination

SOCH – beyond the imagination started its journey in this changing scenario of NGOs. Our main focus is to bring change and development in surrounding communities. We also have tried to bring sustainable development by finding every possible resource and utilize them in such a way so that people who deserve it the most have a direct access to it and they are able to manage what they need by themselves after a certain time bound without help of any external sources.

SOCH-beyond the imagination” also focuses on social development. Social development is the process of bringing positive change in the society through various activities and programs. Our NGO put its efforts in various programs that mainly focus on bringing about positive change and make people aware about the present scenario of globally challenged problems. SOCH conducted various health camps and our prime purpose is to make people aware about chronic, communicable and contagious diseases. We also contributed in health sector by organizing blood donation camps and oral hygiene camps with partnership of local authorities of Jawaharlal Nehru hospital, AMU.

To achieve the target of providing primary education to the children up to the age of 14 years which is also a millennium developmental goal, our NGO started informal classes for poor and marginalized children in urban slums of Aligarh.

We already in line with environmental protection activities as nowadays its global problem and everyone should be cognizant about the environmental protection pursuits. Our NGO helped in creating a major awareness through programs like celebrating Earth hours & plantation of tress to promote greenery in nearby areas. Promoting environment awareness is an easy way to become an environmental steward and participate in creating a brighter future for next generation.