In October 28, 2013, members of SOCH-beyond the imagination had an interactive session with Mr. J.R Larson, Political Officer, Internal Unit, Political section, Embassy of United State of America along with Mr. Dinesh Dubey (Senior Political Counselor) at Palm Tree, Aligarh. Mr. Larson discussed about the political participation of youth in India as well as in U.S.A. He also discussed about the current scenario of Indian Political system.

After introduction Dr. Saleem Mohammad Khan, President of SOCH said India has the largest youth population in today’s world. In this stage everyone has dreams, desires and energy to achieve their life goals. This youth population considered as source of manpower and talents. Indian youth has the power to convert our country from developing to develop Nation. Further Dr. Khan added that youth political participation is important because youth are the country’s power. Youth facing most of the problems and can recognize existing problems easily and also have better ways to solve them. Youth are strong force in social movements. But the problem is no one bothered about the views and ideas of Youth in political system. Our nation follows existing systems of politics that are practicing by leaders since ages. No alteration is accepted for betterment of political system. People have indifferent attitudes towards Indian politics. We need young fresh minds to come into politics who strives to make the country better.

Dr. Danish Suhail said nation’s people need some new leadership and new ideas on which they can trust upon. The time has come for youth to step forward and take some responsibilities for betterment of Nation.

By continuing conversation Miss Maryam Zehra added that India easily achieves their developmental goals if nation’s people contribute their best of their capacity.  Youth is wholly experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation.

At the end Mrs. Midhat Zaidi said youth possess excellent amount of energy & this energy should be mould in a right direction. Misguided youth can harm the nation. Younger generation in India has always been depending upon the older generation same happens in politics. So, new ideas should be implemented that come from youth for better outcome.